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Eating Crow – I No Longer Pooh-pooh Apple Products

As an end-user of products using the Microsoft Windows platform since the 80s, I had always pooh-poohed Apple products. All our laptops were Windows machines at my workplace at the State of Illinois. I always had the opinion that Apple’s venturing into the educational market was the only thing that kept them afloat thoughout the years! Certainly, their longevity in the technology market has proved that thinking wrong. 

As a result of my testing of GlenSpeak, I have a confession to make. One of my testing devices was an old iPad 2 that used to belong to Marlene. I cannot deny that the iPad renders a beautiful display of my site. The site looked really great on her old machine. (I proudly can say that I now own an iPad – albeit an old one!)

I always thought Apple products were outrageously priced and I still think that’s true; however, I must now conclude that Apple’s display technology is probably superior to that of Microsoft and rightfully holds its place in the computing marketplace. After using this “little booger” for a couple of weeks, I, honestly, can no longer deny that the iPad is a great little tablet that works well.

I must apologize to all the Apple users, particularly my wife, for my past expressed contempt for their products, as I now have added her old iPad to my collection. We now are giving our router in the TV room-office a workout as it is supporting two Windows laptops, two iPads, an iphone, a Motorola Moto 7 phone, a Kindle reader, a roku device, our hulu tv app, and a wireless Brother All-in-One laser printer, copier, and scanner. It also supports a Windows laptop in our informal dining area that Marlene has used for her Zoom book review and coffee groups during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Of course, I will keep my Windows machines as my main computers, as I still prefer using a mouse. (I have great difficulty typing due to my arthritic finger. I type with one finger. Sadly, I did not take typing in high school.) I use a software package called Dragon Naturally Speaking which is a voice to type conversion package that works well with Microsoft Word. (You do have to train the Dragon with your voice!) That package really saves my fingers and certainly makes me much more productive. I also really appreciate the laptop’s ability to save data to a thumb drive, as I am still not totally comfortable with cloud storage. And finally, I cannot deny that my familiarity with Windows products is a very significant factor. (I can fix about any of the problems that occur with my Windows machines.)

I guess it is good to know that Glen can make small adjustments when they appear to be apropos. In summary, now no one can say that Glen cannot eat crow!

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